Saturday, September 4, 2010

NW Blogger Event

April 8-11 Seattle WA

There's gonna be shooting, dining, conversation, beverages, exploration and more...including the Underground Tour and the Big Walk to SPD to get outta towners CPL's (or at least ask nicely).

Preferred Lodging:

Moore Hotel
Toll Free


Local Rules:

Bar Carry: NO
Open Carry: YES
Fun Switch: NO
Cans: NO
Knives: 3.5" blade length limit. "Big No-No" does not apply to bars for knives.

Big No-No's:
Secured portion of mental hospitals, jails, courtrooms (and often surrounding area), and that portion of any food service establishment (Yes, this includes taverns) from which persons under the age of 21 are barred.

Force of Signage:
No legal penalty for entering a "not a Big No-No" area while carrying. If, however owner/lessee/authorized agent then requests you to leave and you decline to do so, you may be cited for trespass. Frosty politeness for the win. Icy derision for bonus points.

Evening Festivity Facilitation: For those not commissioned LE, there will be a vehicle w/ a secure trunk available for storage whilst folks go in to forbidden entertainment zones. If commissioned LE, do your research for compatibility with the local Idiocy Statutes.

Range space is still being looked into. Pistol Space is for sure (we have multiple options), rifle space is for maybe at this point. If folks express an interest in rifle/shotgun, more effort will be expended.

Limited space, so e-mail me before making plans.


Drang said...

On the calendar. $Deity knows there are enough of us in the region. Hmmm, maybe a tour of Oly Arms...?
(Missed last year's Oly Day At The Range because I was at Gun Blogger Rendezvous!)

Drang said...

BTW, "email me before making plans" how? Maybe I'm missing a secret link, I see no email address...

I was going to copy it to The Cluemeter, but I wanted to list the contact info...

Anonymous said...

Old NFO said...

I've got it on the calendar... Now if my work sked will just cooperate... sigh...

Christina RN LMT said...

I'll have to see what my finances are like, plus there's school to consider, too. I'd LOVE to come, of course!

Anonymous said...

Thanks! :)

Ry Jones said...

Close to the boomershoot, but I'll be there.

Lokidude said...

Bex and I are in and looking forward to it!