Seems some folks (like, perchance, Los Angeles Urban Policy Roundtable President Earl Ofari Hutchinson) call the poster politically mean-spirited and dangerous. Meaner than the Left's treatment of Bush & Palin?
And since when is mocking a President "dangerous" - for the last eight years, it was hailed by many on the left as an act of nobility and patriotism. What's good for the goose, after all, is good for the gander.
After all, let us explore the charming banter in posters from the Left - for certainly, as they wrap themselves in self-righteous indignation, they could NEVER have sunk so low...
What, NEVER? Well...hardly ever...certainly not for more than
eight years...and they'd certainly never stoop to sexist assaults in word and image on a woman just because she was conservative and running for office...
What, NEVER? Well, hardly ever...
The extremists on either side aren't pretty - but mere art and words are not dangerous, no matter how offensive. Vile, perhaps, but not dangerous. And in this case, not even particularly vile - guess the truth stings.
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