Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Bitches for the left

In a classic example of how a political organization treats "captive" demographics (those groups believed either so committed or lacking in options that their support can be assumed without more than, at most, lip service to said groups goals) the Obama Administration puts off any substantive action to repeal the wasteful, costly, counterproductive, and bigoted Clinton "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy, essentially saying "don't bother us, we're busy" to the LGBT community that frequently offers slobbering support of all but the most absurd Democrat proposals and candidates in the faint hope of being tossed some small and not too badly decayed unwanted scraps from the the table of liberal largess.

Don't Ask, Don't Tell (DADT) was in 1993 implemented under the administration of President Bill Clinton ( a DEMOCRAT) at the behest of a Senate rebellion led by Sen. Sam Nunn (D). Clinton had promised while campaigning that as one of his first acts in office, he would allow *all* United States citzens, regardless of sexual orientation, to serve openly in the U.S. Military. DADT was a vile compromise forged when Clinton sold out in the face of the internal party rebellion led by Nunn.

Promise, welshed on.

Looms now the Obama, full of hope'n'change (or something really good for fertilizing roses), promising to eliminate DADT...and now his hand-puppet Gates announces there will be no change in the policy in the forseeable future.

Promise, welshed on.

Yep. These are really the people that are the only ones the LGBT community can trust to help us. Riiiiight. Just like Union Auto Workers are getting a great big helping of happy hope'n'change from the flower-farting rainbow-unicorn-riding Dear One.

Gah. 2010. And then, God(dess) willing, 2012.


Drang said...

I've stated publicly, both on my blog, and in person, that as a retired US Army NCO I never saw a single MOS, job, or function in the military where one's sexual orientation mattered in the slightest to one's ability to perform one's duties.
I also saw young people--male and female--who were outraged at the initial briefing of Don't Ask, Don't Tell, at the thought that they were prohibited from beating the crap out of their roommate if he (or she) were gay.
Of course, at one time, it was unthinkable to have black soldiers assigned to the same units, in positions of authority, over white troops. We got over that. (Although it wasn't necessarily as painless as it sounds. We still had to do equal rights training when I enlisted, in 1980...)
I was hopeful that the War on Terror would result in a recognition that the time has come to do away with DADT, but Congress continues to refuse to act. (It would take an Act of Congress to change the Uniform Code of Military Justice, by the way.)

George Groot said...

D.W. is correct, the UCMJ hasn't been substantially updated since the 1950's.

Congress is currently controlled by the Democrats to the point where Republicans can't block the legislation allowing homosexuals to openly serve.

I think the Republican Party should give up on any national morality issues (abortion, gay marriage, drug laws, etc). At the national level all I want is fiscally responsibility and smaller government.

精神年齢 said...


逆円助 said...


精神年齢 said...


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メル友募集 said...

最近仕事ばかりで毎日退屈してます。そろそろ恋人欲しいです☆もう夏だし海とか行きたいな♪ k.c.0720@docomo.ne.jp 連絡待ってるよ☆

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夏フェス!! said...

夏フェス一緒に行ってくれる人募集!!夏の思い出一緒につくろぉ☆ megumi-0830@docomo.ne.jp 連絡してね♪

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友達募集中 said...

少し魅惑な自分をネットだから公開してみました。普段言えない事など、思い切って告白しているプロフなので興味ある方はぜひ除いてみてください連絡待ってまぁす。 hinyaaaaa@docomo.ne.jp