Big chunk of right clavicle and sternum went away, but given the alternatives....not such a bad thing. And I hit pay dirt, and recovered 90% use of my right arm, much to the surprise of all involved - but with various and sundry wee warnings.
By December of 2006, I'd moved to Seattle...and before terribly long, I'd taken action on my realization that .45-70 was *not* a good thing for a right-side dominant shooter with a fragile right shoulder, and the Marlin got sold and I was resigned to pistols as the only practical option.
November of 2008, some lovely people in a wee town in the SouthWest invited myself and a number of others to a tiny gathering...where, surrounded by decades of firearms, emergency medicine, and training experience...I was persuaded to play with a series of AR-15's.
A tad nervous, I lit off the first round of .223...and rapidly realized there WAS a centerfire cartridge I could get away with. And fell quietly in lust.
Various realities being in play, I put an AR variant well down on the want list...until August of 2009, when a friend offered a free upper if I'd do the rest of the build. My excuses to KEEP the AR-15 on the want list, rather than the reality list, kind of evaporated.
By November, a lower appeared ...and the last parts arrived on Saturday. I am *most* pleased and grateful. find a range, some ammunition, and start stocking up on magazines. YAY!
Heh. Outstanding!
You get to Long Beach, I'll be more than happy to take you to our range.
I don't know where you are besides Colorado (blame AD for that one). If in the big city, and you want an indoor place to play I would suggest Green Mountain Family Training center. Long name, 100 yd range indoors. For outside Cherry Creek can work.
Also outside go for Dragon Man outside of CS, bring a staple gun and interesting targets.
Personally I like going to hills outside of Bailey to just goof off. And there are private ranges all over.
Bout damn time... :-)
Welcome to the club sir, well-done!
This link will point you to a bunch of ranges.
Congrats on the new gun - hope you have a ton of fun with it!
Woo Hoo :)
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