Or from our own nations history, the less-dramatic coercive Blue Eagle of the National Recovery Administration, that emblem of a misbegotten national program to coerce cooperation with Roosevelts ill-concieved New Deal programs - by coordinating a national and local boycott of businesses that did not play along.
The tool of the tyrant is to con the masses into some group action against a designated goat, and allow said tyrant exciting new powers and authority, is always suspect - because it always, always, ends in trampling (at an absolute minimum) the rights of the individual...usually in service of some alleged ("SAVE THE CHILDREN") good cause.
Once upon a time, unionization was a good thing. It balanced the worst excesses workers faced from industrial barons, and served to broaden the American middle class. But like anything, in sufficiently large doses, it becomes toxic. Say, in Wisconsin...
Tell me this isn't toxic...
And then tell me that folks aren't starting to get fed up, and aren't starting to contemplate "doing something" about this as it places their immediate safety and future prosperity at risk for limited economic gain by folks who already have it pretty darned good.
Dark times coming...
Mom never did understand why I watched ll those PBS shows about Nazis. She probably thought I was becoming one. "So it doesn't happen again" didn't seem to register.
My Mom never figured it out either. WWII for her and my dad was basically an extension of the depression.
Who was it who said "For 80 years the poor have voted Democrat, and they're still poor"?
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