The wee beastie went to the vet the Saturday before last, came home...and about Tuesday, stopped eating. Given that he doesn't especially care for the diet cat food intended to get him down to a more reasonable weight, we thought it but a kitty hunger strike. When the vomiting began this weekend, we became quite clear something odd was going on.
Kitty is at vet today, and will be picked up here shortly. Bloodwork shows liver and kidneys doing just dandy, x-rays show no blockages or foreign matter in the digestive tract, yet cat still be mystification of one and all...
Poor kitty. Hope he is feeling better soon!
Home @ 7, 2 hrs w/o kitty hork!! Isn't eating yet, but..progress...
Here's to progress! May the horking be history!
Kitteh horking is most uncool - one of our six will periodically get the upset tummeh and commence the ejection process. The truly sad part is that it involves running away from the offending stomach contents. Which means little "prizes" get left all over the house which in turn causes the wife to turn a lovely shade of green. Guess who gets to clean it up?
My sympathy to you and the sick kitty...
Sick? or just pissed that you're not giving them what they want? In any case, sorry for the issues...
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