Thursday, May 20, 2010

Soap Box, Ballot Box, Jury Box, Bullet Box

You know, I'd really like to not see our nation making political decisions using either of the last two boxes in my lifetime (or, frankly, my nieces).

Current events are not, however, causing me wild optimism. One can, after all, only piss into the wind for so long before growing damp and funky-smelling - no matter how enthusiastically one goes about the project.


Scott McCray said...

Very true...

and things do have a very distinct odor these days.


Old NFO said...

I'm beginning to wonder myself... The MSM and LWL are out to gut America's values, morals and politics if not by the ballot box, then by fiat from organizations like the EPA, FCC and others. This is NOT going to be pretty when it comes to a head...