Thursday, November 19, 2009

If it walks like a duck...

Over at Walls Of The City, Linoge is running an occasional word substitution project not unlike the "Bigotry Test" I've proposed from time to time.

Take a quote, any quote, about a group of folks...and substitute a *different* group of folks that it's not politically correct or terribly prudent to demonize for each original description....and see if the statement in question sounds so high and noble....or just vile and bigoted. Test seems to bear up pretty well under usage, and after a bit, you find yourself spotting a much higher amount of "spin"...and bigotry.

SHOCK! Those anti-gun folks...are BIGOTS of the first water. I know we're all surprised - but use the above test, and read their writings...heh.


  1. Coincidentally, I have yet to have one of my "volunteers" call me on it... I wonder why that is?


    Anywise, thanks for the linkage!

  2. Good link and a good point... :-(


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