Thursday, November 19, 2009

A Glimmer of Light

I love the LGBT community and in many senses, most of its members. I enjoy the diversity, the vibrant nature of the community, the "less BS per square inch" nature of the bars, and the vibe...and who knows, I might get a date.

Of course, all this usually comes to a screeching halt outside of a very few trusted friends when it comes to political discourse...where there seems to be an amazing lack of diversity, acceptance, and tolerance for differing views, and disapproval is expressed with all the enthusiasm and charm of a rabid weasel. Logic is irrelevant, ad hominem attacks are good, and variation from the party line is an offense worthy of public verbal lynching and getting ostracized.

Now and again, however, there will be a breath of fresh air wafting through the flatulence-laden miasma, and I'd like to thank Tam and FarmDad for being gracious enough to first point out and then remind me of this one, so that I might write this post.

In general, personal attacks cheapen political discourse and tear down the attacker as much as they damage the attacked - a questionable strategy. Humor and smart-ass comments are a different critter, as are attacks on a mindset or concept - it's the personal attack, the ad hominem "this person is bad, thus anything they might say is tainted" that has led to the much-bemoaned lack of reverence and respect for our "fearless leaders"...

The multiply linked article above is a step in the right, if they start saying kindly things about Sarah Palin...well...


  1. Yup.

    And FWIW, "my team" is pissing me off just as bad as the other guys did. I've seen nicknames tossed around for Barry that make me wonder if the writer's wife gets pissed about all the eyeholes cut out of the pillowcases...

    Besides, the name calling just bugs the pee outta me, and renders the message less than clear.

  2. The name-calling thing peeves me from either team.

  3. Good point Gay- There is NO rationale for the hate filled tantrums being thrown by ALL sides; but I think it will be a cold day in Hell before the left stops trying to destroy Palin. She is the anthesis of everything they stand for...


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