Fresh from the '09 election and prior to installing the new harvest of idiots and miscreants to office, it's time to think ahead a bit unless we want to be stuck with the usual choices between marginally different piles of ambulatory defecation that have passed for political candidates in recent years.
Regrettably, merely bitching about the dearth of worthwhile candidates is deeply unlikely to improve matters. The very best candidates (i.e., the ones that would largely leave the population alone, barring some kind of vast emergency) are frequently reticent about running and require substantial urging, while the BFN (Bloody Fucking Nightmare) candidates are only too glad to jump in on the race.
So, as good little activists with GOALS, we need to step up to the plate and either (god forbid) run ourselves...or vastly less trying, recruit up candidates that serve as a voice of sanity and minimalism. In either case, the time to do that for a Fall 2010 election is *just about now* as it takes TIME to roust up cash and supporters for the candidate du jour and begin properly undermining the opposition!
Have YOU considered running for Sheriff today? Or your friendly local legislature/town council/county council/etc? Or do you have someone handy to start nagging to do so?
Start now, beat the rush!
I did, and he IS the new Sheriff :-) Also, have another classmate who is planning on running in AR against Blanche Lincoln...