Wednesday, August 13, 2008

A few thoughts...

First off, my condolences go to the family and friends of Arkansas Democratic Party Chairman Bill Gwatney. That any person should be struck down in mid-life by a random loon is horrible

However, it is not of that sad event that I write - rather, I write in a pre-emptive venting of my spleen before the appearance of the inevitable ballet corps of opportunists eager to dance in the blood of the victim in hopes of advancing their inevitable "guns is bad" agenda, as is their wont.

I'm heartily tired of these "lunatic walks in and does bad things" events at predictable locations, where nobody has had the vaguest thought to prevention.

People, if you have a space open or semi-open to the public that you do vaguely controversial things in, then grow a brain and remember that not everyone out there is:

  1. On the same planet with any of the rest of us.
  2. A very nice person.
  3. A pacifist.
  4. Unarmed.
  5. Possessed of warm fuzzy feelings about you or your group.
With that firmly in mind and assuming you have this office/private space/etc for your group - put up a bloody solid wall with a solid-core or steel-core door and one of the cute locks you can *buzz folks in with*, and LIMIT ACCESS to the place.

If you're really clueful, and suspect your group may have a chance of *significant* nutcases of violent intent to worry about - talk to someone who makes that kind of thing their business, and then a second someone in the same field, and listen to them. Carefully.

Loons, fire, earthquake - proper preventative planning prevents preventable pathos.


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