Saturday, September 25, 2010

Prosecutorial madness? Or is that just elitist ambition and petty vindictiveness I scent?

Over at PNW Local News, and again over at the Kitsap Sun noting the decidedly...suspect... actions of the Kitsap Prosector Russell Hauge in repeatedly pursuing a rather dubious (imh0) criminal case hanging fire since 1999 (three dismissals should be a hint...) against Kitsap Rifle and Revolver Club executive Marcus Carter and now trying to shut down the Kitsap Rifle and Revolver Club range (in operation since 1926) in a separate civil lawsuit in which Carter's wife is named as co-defendant.

Now, as reported, both cases seem rather dubious to this lay reader - and the sequence alone seems a bit, shall we say, prejudicial. Combine that with the fact that said Prosecutor is in the midst of a grand effort to get re-elected in a profoundly anti-incumbent cycle, and I believe it is yet more reasonable to suspect that motives other than justice and public safety are in play.

Read the links for yourself, and make up your own mind. Prosecutor Hauge has yet to emerge at a press conference in full Darth Vader costume, madly cackling in full-out evil villain style, declaiming to club members, the press, and the public at large that he is out to get them and their little dog(s), too - but I begin to wonder if it's only matter of time and obviousness....

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