Saturday, September 25, 2010

DADT on the ropes?

Todays Federal District Court decision in Tacoma may well heteorodyne with the decision out of California the other day in a case brought by the Log Cabin Republicans, resulting in a potential injunction against the US Military worldwide prohibiting discrimination against LGBT folks in the ranks.

Not everyone will agree, but I'm thinking this is a step in a good direction. Once DADT is gone, and same sex marriage is a national reality, two of the biggest reasons for political lockstep in the LGBT community will be pretty well accomplished, and we may see a bit more political diversity as a result.

Here's hoping...

1 comment:

  1. GC,

    DADT isn't a "military policy", it was a legacy left by Bill Clinton. The power to change DADT has always rested with Congress (and possibly the President by way of executive order as the Commander In Chief of the military).

    The vast majority of us in the Army really don't care about sexual orientation, and consider it strange that the Army was racially integrated before the Civil Rights movement really took off are still stuck with DADT and the extremely outdated UCMJ.

    Makes you wonder why the Obama administration appealled the California decision and asked for a stay of judgement doesn't it?


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