Thursday, November 15, 2012


Rebuilding is one thing. Resistance is another.

One of the problems with resistance to government policy is that when one writes a list of suggestions on how to go about it, one is more or less prevented from exercising those methods. Something about "telegraphing ones punches."

Nevertheless, given the potential for Shenanigans our re-elected administration seems to offer us, a few thoughts on how to slow or derail the more egregious violations of fundamental rights and freedoms seem worth examining. History offers a variety of peaceful and even lawful approaches.

Throwing sand in the works of a government initiative can take many forms - ridicule, malicious cooperation, active opposition, legal action, the creative use of process, and far more. All of these fall far short of rooftop methods of discussion.

The Penny Auctions of the Depression Era offer one model to examine. Simon Jester of Robert Heinleins "The Moon is a Harsh Mistress" offers another. Yet another might be found in the artistic interactions with the Bureau of Indian Affairs and Territorial Governor Isaac Stevens of Dr. David Swinson Maynard of 19th Century Seattle as described in Bill Speidels unbowdlerized version of Seattle's founder, Doc Maynard - "Please Clarify."

Malicious obedience is another option open to the creative monkey wrencher - it is difficult to resist those who are enthusiastically "supporting you" and particularly difficult for the arrogant (who already believe themselves far more clever than those that surround them) to detect. It is the strategy of giving those that would infringe upon liberty what they want, well past the point upon which the choke upon it and is blessed with endless variations on the theme.

Grassroots activism and networking, often made out as elaborate and complex activities (and if you try hard, you can certainly make them such) can be as simple as a monthly meal or a weekly beverage with friends that develops into a group of folks you can depend on in an emergency. But this is seldom achieved sitting on a couch typing on a laptop.

Taking steps to put fallback plans in place for food, water, and shelter while not exactly obvious are also more than a bit subversive. 

All this is before we explore the grimmer aspects of resistance, and while we remain well within what (as a lay person) I understand to be the law.

This isn't intended to be some sort of comprehensive guide. It is a starting point from an armchair quarterback intending to stir thought, and perhaps even action. For me, I believe my resistance will start with a breakfast. We'll see where it goes from there. For others, their choices may vary widely.

Certainly once one casts aside the law as a petty restraint, or considers it as something that only applies to ones opponents, the range of potential options broadens significantly - at approximately the same rate the level of risk to ones honor, fortune, family, and friends. That is why we must strive to exercise all other forms of resistance before resorting to such - because the last time the pin was pulled on that particular grenade, we bought ourselves a civil war that the dust has yet to settle from even now.

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