Monday, July 2, 2012

Gun Rights Policy Conference

Seems the Second Amendment Foundation is persisting in holding their 27th Annual Gun Rights Policy Conference - much to the dismay of hoplophobic elitist bigots (aka gun-grabbers) everywhere in Orlando this year. And SAF is reaching out to the blogosphere to spread the good word!! So, in the spirit of helpfulness I've both included their message...and instructions as to how to make it work with blogs (Wordpress may happen later. Maybe. I'm less familiar with it.)

The 27th Annual Gun Rights Policy Conference (GRPC) will be held in Orlando, Florida from September 28-30, 2012. This event is sponsored by the Second Amendment Foundation ( and the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms (

GRPC has traditionally been the place to meet national gun rights leaders and activists, to develop gun rights victory plans, and allow attendees a firsthand chance to hear movement leaders and make their voices heard.

There is no registration fee and attendees are only responsible for their own travel expenses (transport, food and lodging). Participants are invited to the no host receptions on Friday and Saturday evenings and a free lunch on Saturday. Each attendee will receive over $150 of books and materials at no charge. More information can be found on and

With dozens of speakers, GRPC participants will examine critical issues such as: city gun bans, concealed carry, federal legislation, BATFE policies, gun show regulation, and state and local activity. The 2010 elections will be reviewed, the 2012 Presidential race discussed and recent and pending Right to Keep and Bear Arms cases will be analyzed.

We would like your help to get the word out and make the 2012 GRPC the biggest and best ever. We have attached a GRPC registration banner and hope that you will run it on your site with a link back to the GRPC registration page at ( Any mentions of GRPC in your blog will be greatly appreciated. If you have any questions or need a different size banner, please give us a call at (425) 454-7012 .
To add the GRPC banner and links to the top of your blog simply follow the directions below.

1. Sign into your Blogger account and choose the blog to which you want to add the GRPC banner and link.

2. Click on Design.

3. Click on Add-A-Gadget

4. Click on HTML/Java Script

5. Copy and paste (Ctrl-A, Ctrl-C, Ctrl-V) the code below into the “Content” box:

6. Click on Save.

7. Click on and drag the new HTML/Java Script block to the top of your page, right under the “header”. Release the mouse button, “Dropping” the element.

8. Click on Save.

9. Click on View Blog.

10. If it didn’t work leave a comment here.

The Gun Rights Policy Conference sounds like a really good thing - and if we can help it be bigger and better than ever, I think we should!!



  1. I also put it up, hopefully we can generate a few visitors!!!

  2. Yeah, putting it on WordPress is a little more challenging. Easiest way to do it is just put it in a new post and make it stick to the top.

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Yes, this new comment form sucks. No, it's not my fault - blame Google.