Followup to yesterdays post on the NY Gay Marriage thing, complete with knuckle-headed theocratic bigotry in the comments. Marriages set to begin in late July...
As Farmgirl predicted, the law of unintended consequences strikes...resulting in the closing of slaughterhouses actually INCREASING the suffering of horses.
And we have a DEA agent threatening to sue folks for revealing his foolishness after he declared on video, in a high school classroom, that he was the only one in the room competent to carry a firearm...and proceeded to shoot himself...
Lends a whole new spin to "elitist thug", doesn't it?
After an epic clusterfuck, San Francisco Pride is pulling out of a DEEP hole, both in terms of finances and leadership. Now if Seattle Pride would just do the same....
And from the land of Obama's origin's, we hear an honest voice expressing the views of the Chicago elite...
Speaking of Chicago elitists, meet the new and thoroughly anti-gun Obama nominee to head up BATFE...
And while we're on the subject, we find the BATFE (having promised not to retaliate) busy about the process of retaliating...
Moving along, we have a classic example of political foot-shooting...when California attempts to impose sales tax on out of state retailer Amazon, legislators discover that same action would result in Amazon severing relations with 25,000 "associates" in California and significantly damage San Francisco based Ebay.
Texas may be lighting up our lives...with their own incandescent light bulb production plants...
And a glass staircase? Whatever could go wrong?
I don't recall if I've shared it before, but the dignity and class of our Vice President making Dan Quayle look good.
A liberals view of Sarah Palin and her relationship with the mainstream media...
And from the "c'mon, guys" department....
Ok, that takes care of the light clean-up chores....we'll touch on some of the more substantive stuff later...
Good links, and ALL things to think about...