Monday, March 7, 2011

In the fullness of time...

Even a blithering idiot will eventually get something right - or to use the classical example, "give a million monkeys a million typewriters and a thousand years and they'll give you the complete works of Shakespeare".

A more immediate application of the truism is provided us by Random Nuclear Strikes, that graciously points us to just such an instance over at HuffPo (just this once, I'll link) courtesy of Mark Penn.

Just maybe it IS time for the first 21st Century Amendment - one forever barring the government, at all levels, from censoring or denying access to the Internet...that modern-day, new and improved, super-spiffy printing press available to us all - today.

1 comment:

  1. One wonders if it would make it thought... especially with the Administration wanting authority to shut the net down if they 'deem' an emergency...


Yes, this new comment form sucks. No, it's not my fault - blame Google.