At some point, a dreadful example needs to be made. Simply deploring the murder of American citizens by pirates (the real kind, not the cutesy Disney version) on the high seas isn't going to cut it - "naughty, naughty" just doesn't make much of an impression on such folks...
A full naval flotilla in classical punitive mode, on the other hand, can communicate a certain level of displeasure unlikely to be forgotten in the near term. As JayG suggests, level the ports these scum take refuge in and sink them at sea - through direct military confrontation and the use of Q-Ships.
For those unfamiliar with the term, a Q-Ship is a ship loaded with a cargo of "Surprise". The strategy has been employed with greater and lesser success over the years. A vessel is made particularly hard to sink, and laden with troops and equipment liable to lead to an unhappy day for those as would molest her.
Regrettably, given the current adminstration, it's unlikely we'll see more than "naughty, naughty" uttered as to avoid hurting the pirates delicate feelings...
I'll be surprised if Dear Leader can hold off on his putt long enough to record a sound bite.
ReplyDeleteI think a Q-ship would the be cheap and easy way to solve the problem.
ReplyDeleteTake an older freighter, fill the holds with polyurethane foam (to make it un-sinkable), build some subtle fighting positions load a platoon or two of Marines and sail around looking dumb. And bring lots of paint and flags so they don't make you.
Maybe the Air Force can scare up enough surveillance to where they came from once they've proved that they are pirates, or maybe we'll have to wait until they figure out that piracy suddenly got extra dangerous.
Obama will never okay it and Congress will never give Stingray his letter of Marque, but maybe the S. Koreans will build one.
Yup, pirates are just poor, confused victims of circumstance and environment, just like your average street robber, rapist or burglar.
ReplyDeleteAt least that's probably how the Obama admin sees it.
It'd be nice if maritime law didn't essentially mandate a "gun free zone" on the open waters.
The administration's mantra is 'negotiate'... not handle the problem... sigh...