Thursday, December 9, 2010

Points of View...

Many have vilified Julian Assange, and Wikileaks. Jigsaw presents a series of arguments that both serve a positive social purpose and are distinguished from the NY Times and the Chicago Sun (who have breathlessly reported the Wikileaks material) primarily by the comparative youth of the "publication" and relative anonymity of the so-called publisher.

She draws from "The Australian" and while I'm certain it's not a popular view, I tend to agree with the presented view. To the extent criminality is present, I would suggest that guilt can be distributed between the actual leaker and the criminally negligent incompetents running the various security organizations intended to prevent such events and the even more doltish sorts actually committing many of these comments and events to reproducible media.

Perhaps its my cynicism, but anytime a coordinated smear campaign (surely, one can't consider the sudden emergence of what, by any rational standard, must be considered trumped up sex charges) and simulteanous economic warfare are unleashed upon a rather obvious must begin to question the justness of those who would resort to such measures.

I'm not prepared to applaud Mr. Assange or Wikileaks - but I'm starting to consider that hurling a few allegorical boulders at their persecutors may not be entirely out of line.



  1. It is espionage... Plain and simple Assange and his ilk are directly after the US. There WILL be deaths from these leaks, and Manning, Assange, et al should be charged with murder for each one of them...

  2. Espionage? Well this last leak should have never occurred. Did you notice about a 6 months ago wiki-leaked a bunch of files that put our soldiers in the field in more danger? Those files threw boulders on the BUSH Admin.... There was a feigned outrage by the Obamabots but nothing was done.

    NOW these files hurt Obama and Co. All of the sudden it's espionage and it's treason and should be punished by death to Assange.

    Personally I think Assange is an asshole. I think he's a liberpuke progressive rat and I'd love to be the one to rip his head off. BUT the real danger isn't assange, it's whoever is giving him intel. It's the leaders of our nation that are so busy playing politics that they didn't bother to attack the attacker because it didn't affect them the first time.

    Typical of liberal/Progressives... Hurt our soldiers or the Republicans, okay as evident by the NYT. Hurt the Demorat party? Well now that's just illegal...

  3. Mad Rocket ScientistDecember 12, 2010 at 6:57 PM

    It's also our government that makes so much information secret (16 million documents a year) that it requires that over 800,000 people have at least a secret clearance so they can do their jobs.

    Remember, three people can keep a secret, if two of them are dead. If we have so much secret data accessible by so many, well, I'm surprised more doesn't leak.


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