Tuesday, June 1, 2010

On the Gaza Blockade

If you announce a blockade in conjunction w/ the UN and a second nation (in this instance, Egypt), announce with great fanfare you are *enforcing* said blockade, is it REALLY any surprise to anyone sufficiently intelligent to walk and talk at the same time that when your boarding teams are beset by hostiles armed with knives and rebar clubs...that your team fights back? And when under gunfire, resorts to returning fire?

And let's not forget that traditional blockade enforcement is a shot across the bow, and then into the hull of the offending vessels if they fail to yield....followed by standing off, with optional rescue operations, while the hulled vessels *sink*...

I'm not seeing a problem here...other than folks thinking "I'm so spiffy and pure of mind that customs, blockades, and such don't apply to me"


  1. If your mother tells you not to touch the cookie jar and you do so anyway, don't be surprised if you get punished.

  2. The Turks actually got off VERY lightly...

  3. I believe the traditional response is a shot across the bow, followed by such shots into the hull as are necessary to sink or halt the vessel in question.

    Seems to be the Israeli's are being hassled for excessive generosity.


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