Saturday, November 21, 2009

Ye gawds, not again...

Generally, I find FoxNews less actively irritating than many of the other talking heads of national news (but still basically a dumbed down and thoroughly spun version of reality, just from a different direction that most of the rest of the electronic mass media - just a different spin).

Hell, I even like Huckabee's folksy manner. But what peeves me about Fox (and Huckabee, specifically) is their fundamental confusion about "separation of church & state = GOOD THING for all involved".

Faith groups of one sort or another when funded, protected, or promoted by government are inherently corrupted by and beholden to the government(s) in question - and on the flip side, when by force or persuasion clerics start getting elected to office, rational thought on public policy tends to leave the room in favor of "because it feels good" or "GAWD TOLD ME SO" and variants thereupon. Right up there with "for the children" and "if it saves just ONE life" for sheer irrationality and fear-mongering.

So, not surprisingly, when Huckabee has Chuck Colson on for a PR moment for Colson's nutjob theocracy promoting group and its' thinly disguised bigotry I'm less than amused. Grrrr......


  1. It 'should' be the same rules for everybody... But... sigh...

  2. In his book "God and the Welfare State" Lew Daly notes several countries in Europe where there are even stronger church/state ties that have much more liberal lifestyle permissiveness than the United States.

    The blame for bigotry always falls with the individual. You can't have "group blame" without playing identity politics.

  3. If these retards ever manage to get "christianity" declared a state religion, I am going to work tirelessly to see to it that snake-handling and speaking in tongues by pre-schoolers is mandatory.


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