Monday, November 9, 2009

The Drive Home...

A wistful breakfast as friends new and old parted, at least for the moment, to wend their way to their far-flung homes, abodes, and troll caverns via plane, train (well, not so much), and automobile – Blogoradans lingering over their coffee, recognizing this rare and special event was winding to an end.

Farmgirl and Snarky ventured forth, only to croak an engine…even as Ambulance Driver began to resuscitate his vehicle with FarmDad’s assistance, that he and his waif might limp the sacrificial Ram back to the bayou’s. Christina_LMT and I ventured forth to discover our failed stereo and an odd squeak-whine under the hood. Others trod their sundry paths back to their domiciles, with news bulletins rolling in slowly.

En route, after much discussion and logic-chopping, Christina came to the conclusion that Las Vegas no longer meets her needs personally, professionally, or in any other sense. She’s MOVING. To TEXAS. Down near JPG and Matt G.

Christina, multi-talented woman that she is, is good at many MANY things. Sadly, asking for help is not upon this list of skills. Soooo…..

Start calling and asking her when the Christina Convoy forms up. Send her move money. Decent soul that she is, massages may well happen in exchange. No, calling her and breathing heavily into the phone does not help! Hurry, Hurry Peoples!

Note, the theme song of the Christina Convoy will be “Convoy” by C.W. McCall. Fun is a semi-secondary objective. Requests for snack and recreation stops will be considered.


  1. Dang, talk about a lifestyle change... :-)

  2. No, the theme song of the Christina Convoy will be "Caravan".

    ...because I played on the field, that's why.

    Also, extra incentive: I'll be helping Mom move, so you'll be finally able to meet me! :D

  3. Old NFO, I have to make this change. It's imperative.


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