Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Seattle April 15 Tea Party

Well, after a busy day discovering architectural salvage yards and dropping off surplus stuff at Goodwill, I had a cup of coffee and meandered down to Tea Party in Seattle at Westlake Mall. I arrived in the *ever-so-green* electric car, and parked it a few blocks away lest things go sideways (this is, after all, Seattle...and since we've no shortage of potential obnoxious counter-protesters, being able to fade into the background of leftists and greenies under such circumstances is a fine thing). Event was to start at 5:45, I'd arrived around 5, and the crowd was already gathering.

Now, the pictures here aren't in chronological order, but above was a rather precious sign about some of the Obamatrons more creative vote gathering techniques.
Apparently, agents of the UMPC (Tam Division) made a stealth entry into the tax'n'spend stronghold of Seattle with the sign above.
The Paulians made an appearance, an occurence of questionable benefit. And while I only observed one anti-semitic racist bastard (a Serb offended at the Clinton administration), it was kinda fun watching him be chased about by mid-60's big-haired suburban ladies determined to cover his rather vile signage with less offensive prose.
One of my favorite signs was the "Party Like It's 1773" poster above. Charming, really.
Our friends, the Larouchies (won't they EVER go away?) Really, we won't mind.

And a partial representation of the attending: 6 horse patrolmen, 10 bike cops, whole bunch o' sergeants, and a pointy-hatted Site Commander for free! (Sung to "Days of Christmas").

Good speakers, good MC, and overall a well-organized event, even though it remained apparent that protest rallies are not yet among the well-conquered skills among the non-liberal skillset.

Looking forward to the next one!



  1. The next step is the start a movement to repeal the 16 th amendment. That amendment repealed Article 1 section 9, clause 4 of the Constitution, which bars the current income tax system. Income taxes are allowed under that now repealed clause of the Constitution:

    "There appears to be no dispute about the plain requirements of the Constitution that direct taxes must be apportioned and that indirect taxes must be uniform."

    By eliminating the apportionment and uniformity requirements, the Federal Government was give the unlimited and unrestrained ability to tax people. The limits on the power to tax that were so wisely placed in the Constitution, were designed to constrain abusive taxing powers.

    A repeal of the 16 th amendment will not eliminate the power to levy Federal income taxes, but mere impose the apportionment and uniformity requirement. Satisfying those requirements are politically unpalatable . That would necessarily result in a excise tax as a substitute, probably a consumption tax such as a national sale tax. Without an income tax, a national sales tax would be far better. People could largely control their taxes by deciding how they spend their money. It would also fuel capital formation at a rate not seen in 125 years.

    I say we start here and now the movement to repeal the 16 th amendment.

  2. Sorry I missed you. Got there about 5:40. Had earlier gone to the 12:00 Lake City event, which WAS the LaRouchies. I left as soon as I realized that.

    I think it was the cleanest, most well-behaved "event" Seattle has ever seen...

  3. あなたの精神年齢を占ってみよう!当サイトは、みんなの「精神年齢度」をチェックする性格診断のサイトです。精神年齢度には、期待以上の意外な結果があるかも??興味がある方はぜひどうぞ

  4. さあ、今夏も新たな出会いを経験してみませんか?当サイトは円助交際の逆、つまり女性が男性を円助する『逆円助交際』を提供します。逆円交際を未経験の方でも気軽に遊べる大人のマッチングシステムです。年齢上限・容姿・経験一切問いません。男性の方は無料で登録して頂けます。貴方も新たな出会いを経験してみませんか

  5. みんなの精神年齢を測定できる、メンタル年齢チェッカーで秘められた年齢がズバリわかっちゃう!かわいいあの子も実は精神年齢オバサンということも…合コンや話のネタに一度チャレンジしてみよう

  6. 童貞卒業を考えているなら、迷わずココ!今まで童貞とヤッた事がない女性というのは意外と多いものです。そんな彼女たちは一度童貞とやってみたいと考えるのは自然な事と言えるでしょう。当サイトにはそんな好奇心旺盛な女性たちが登録されています

  7. 最近仕事ばかりで毎日退屈してます。そろそろ恋人欲しいです☆もう夏だし海とか行きたいな♪ 連絡待ってるよ☆

  8. あなたの性格を、動物に例えて占っちゃいます。もしかしたらこんな動物かも!?動物占いをうまく使って、楽しい人間関係を築いてください

  9. 家出中の女性や泊まる所が無い女性達がネットカフェなどで、飲み放題のドリンクで空腹を満たす生活を送っています。当サイトはそんな女性達をサポートしたいという人たちと困っている女性たちの為のサイトです

  10. セレブ女性との割り切りお付き合いで大金を稼いでみませんか?女性に癒しと快楽、男性に謝礼とお互い満たしあえる当サイト、セレブラブはあなたの登録をお待ちしております。

  11. 夏フェス!!July 24, 2009 at 12:38 AM

    夏フェス一緒に行ってくれる人募集!!夏の思い出一緒につくろぉ☆ 連絡してね♪

  12. あなたのゲーマー度を無料ゲーム感覚で測定します。15個の質問に答えるだけの簡単測定で一度遊んでみませんか?ゲームが得意な人もそうでない人もぜひどうぞ。

  13. 少し魅惑な自分をネットだから公開してみました。普段言えない事など、思い切って告白しているプロフなので興味ある方はぜひ除いてみてください連絡待ってまぁす。


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