Saturday, February 7, 2009

Oregon Ninnyhood

For all three of my regular readers, a quick update on some silliness out of Oregon with potentially grim consequences for a fellow gun owners.

Seems a graduate of the USMC finishing school was attending Western Oregon University last week, equipped with an Oregon CPL...which, under Oregon law (from what I understand) explicitly exempts the carrier from restrictions on carry in public buildings...was on campus with his lawfully carried firearm, and engaging in lawful conduct...

Note in the story above (hey,it's college media) the misunderstandings of OR firearms law on the part of the journalists. Please consider writing and civilly offering them corrections.

When, much to his surprise, down swoop the local gendarmes to trespass him off campus (ending his college career at that institution until further notice, and forfeiting the current terms expenses for books/tuition/etc) and charge him with "possession of a firearm in a public building" - from which charge he is immune by virtue of his CPL.

No matter how this turns out, it's going to cost him some dollars...if you want to help on that side, you can contact the Oregon Firearms Federation; also, polite and well-reasoned missives to the University President and the local Police Chief and Mayor may prove salutary.

Western Oregon University President:
Dr. John P. Minahan, President
Office of the President Western Oregon University
345 N. Monmouth Ave.
Monmouth, OR 97361
(503) 838-8888
or e-mail

Western Oregon University Journal Editor:
Ashley Erb
345 N Monmouth Avenue
Monmouth, OR 97361
News: (503) 838-8347

Monmouth, Oregon Mayor
Mayor John Oberst
151 Main Street W
Monmouth Oregon 97361
503.838.0722 Office
503.838.0725 Fax

MonMouth, Oregon Police Chief

Chief Darrell Tallan
238 E Jackson Street
Monmouth OR 97361
(503) 838-1109

False arrest is SO tacky....and expensive!

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