Monday, February 23, 2009

Catching Up

For some time I've been a less than good blogger, tossing in graphics and quick blurbs (and rarely, at that) rather than knocking out substantial rants and notions on a regular basis. BAD ME.

So, initially, I'm going to try to catch up on all the little blurbs and topics I've MEANT to write on, but been distracted by early gardening, lawn care, job-hunting, and life to commit to electrons.

Some weeks ago, I believe it was Lawdog that pointed out the still-trenchant piece over at IowaHawk, the Idiossey, and since I still think it hilarious, pertinent, and bearing more than a few elements of subversive truth - hie the over there, have a read, and try not to blow your lunch through your sinuses.

Earlier this year, during the snows, I had a bad case of lust for one of these. Just so ya know. Someone needs to start building these things. Not all the really good ideas are new, after all.

An amazing and unsung substance, powdered cheese, has vanished from retail shelves in the Northwest - powdered cheese. Dandy to thicken all kinds of sauces without jacking up carb content, this dandy substance can be found here.

I don't claim this one makes sense, but still - WANT. Shiny, pretty, go-boom!

Mentioned on Gun Nuts radio show, the change jar is dedicated to this new quest for an IWB holster that doesn't cause the .45 to wear a hole in my side (literally), Mernicke Holsters looks promising (and nice looking work, at that). The BladeTech folks are in consideration, but I like the look/feel of leather.

The precious online meltdown of a CNBC reporter re the stimulus...must watch. Yeah, right...stimulus my...

LeMat Revolvers
- a concept that has largely languished since the Civil War, the Revolver+Shotgun notion (which I suspect would prompt screams of horror from the ATF and Sarah Brady & Co. in modern chamberings) is just odd enough that I'd love to be able to legally add one chambered in modern cartridges to my collection.

And finally, the recipe I need to get around to trying from CrankyProf.

That pretty well reduces the number of open "write about this" tabs in Firefox to something manageable. Till next time...

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