11 Gay bars in Seattle have rec'd letters indicating that at least 5 patrons would be poisoned at each of them. Case has been forwarded to the FBI. - KOMOTV4 1/6/09 2300 Seattle, Seattle Times 1/7/09
No suspects yet, no knowledge of whether individual/group/bigots/political intimidation. More a heads up, than anything. Guard your drinks, go back to the old GHB protocol - "if it's been out of your and or out of your sight, it's undrinkable - whether it's a gin'n'tonic or a diet coke." If you suddenly start experiencing symptoms that fit the Ricin profile, visit your favorite ER immediately, and perhaps mention the risk factor.
In other reports of this incident the poison in question is, Ricin (generally bad/toxic stuff) derived from Castor beans - toxic if inhaled or ingested, but a non-contagious agent. From our friends at that fount of toxic & infections, the Centers for Disease Control, a data sheet exists here.
Prudence would indicate, barring proof to the contrary, that this may affect other cities as well - better to be a little cautious than start counting bodies.
Please pass this along.
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