Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Nickels Follies - 1/13/09 Update

Surprisingly, a number of updates to the Nickels Follies rolled in, all in one morning...or maybe not so much of a surprise.
  • Proposal of a Moss-Laden Big Dig (but less city-friendly) in conjunction with WA Gov. Christine Gregoire (after throwing a big enough temper tantrum to ensure her cooperation). The MOss Laden Dig (MOLD) will be less accessible to emergency workers in case of disaster, subject to collapse AND flood (a new feature), reduce traffic capacity through the city (ensuring congestion on surface streets and I-5), eliminate downtown exits (thus forcing yet more traffic with downtown destinations onto already near-gridlocked downtown streets on longer surface routes in stop'n'go, wasting fuel), at obscene cost (4.25 billion in the likely to be tripled initial estimate) in the midst of heavy recession (plan: Beg the Feds), and ripping a vast hole in the middle of the downtown business district for five to ten years as it drives employers, customers,tourists, and workers out of Seattle in search of lower rents & taxes and easier access with less painful commutes.

  • Proposing to spend $7 million in federal funds to mount solar panels (in Seattle) on top of one of Seattle's two boondogle stadiums (built to replace the imploded Kingdome that served both teams quite well, at less expense, before its' bonds were paid off, and over the protests of voters). Seattle is, Mayor Nickels, a RAINY city.

  • Snow Incompetence. After nearly two weeks of 18+ inches of snow on a non-snow city operating on a plan of "gee, if vehicles with chains or 4x4 can maneuver the compacted snow'n'ice of what used to be considered roads, it's all good" with salt declared "environmentally bad" and plow blades with rubber edges (lest the roads be wounded), even as side streets remain unplowed and various business districts are effectively considered expendable. Local Transit (Metro) routes were cut by more than half, interestingly enough, post event Metro heads complain the Mayors office refused to take their calls. Mayor Nickels gives city response a "B" grade. Excellent article on the aftermath by Seattle P-I's Joel Connelly.

  • Nickels persists with his ill-concieved, illegal, and likely unconstitutional attempt at a gun ban. December 2008
  • Increasingly globular Seattle Mayor Greg Nickels tells us he's not trying to make life inconvenient for Seattleites...a hint that it just comes naturally to him. A partial list of his more spectacularly foolish moments includes:
  • In November of 2008, Nickels (in the face of a formal legal opinion from WA Attorney General Rob McKenna stating in painful detail that mayoral temper tantrums were not exempt from state law) claimed he would go ahead with his shiny new gun ban, as he needed "clarification" of the AG opinion.
  • In the midst of "challenging financial times" Nickels is ram-rodding through the City Council a plan to ban foam containers at restaurants and grocery stores, and impose a 20-cent fee for each disposable paper and plastic bag used in the checkout line at all grocery, convenience and drugstores - with plastic containers/implements/etc banned in July of 2010. In a display of solidarity with less well-off residents that use grocery bags as garbage can liners rather than paying for "extra special" designated baggage, Nickels in an interview said "If you use grocery bags to line your trash can, Nickels says, "that's great, 20-cents."
  • Nickels cronies in the Parks Department, in a triumph of symbolism over sanity decided to take down a long time Seattle tradition, in a sop thrown to "global warming" - beach fires at Alki Beach and Golden Gardens city parks while a factory burns tires for fuel a short distance away. At least until public outcry forced a Parks Department climb down...
  • And then there's that loony notion, "car-free" days on local roads - trapping local residents or barring them from their homes if they have the temerity to make an appointment or try to come home during the "forbidden hours".
  • Under Nickels, a group of bicycle riding hooligans once a month magically ride above the law, engaging in random property damage and - most recently - assault.
  • Nickels, frustrated that the rest of the state won't buy into his delusions, suggested on 4/18/08 that the Seattle/TriCounty (King/Pierce/Snohomish County) area secede from the rest of the state.
Greg Nickels is running for a third term as Mayor/Petty Tyrant in November 2009 - the next likely opportunity for sane folks to get shed of this nutjob.

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