Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Eric Holder, AG-Nominee

Today the U.S. Senate Nominations Committee voted AG-Nominee Holder favorably out of committee for vote of the entire Senate. This is bad.

Holder is a staunch anti-gun activist who in his confirmation hearing promised to close the non-existent "gun show loophole" (in other words, shut down gun shows via regulatory excess, and end private sales), re-instate and make permanent the so-called "Assault Weapons Ban" (aka, the "Ban on Ugly Guns and EBR's), and bar cop-killer (a really wide range, if approached logically...could well mean banning everything but AirSoft) bullets.

Add to this his irrational support of the so-called "War on Drugs" (better described as "The Conveniently/Perpetually waveable red shirt, War on Civil Rights, and Prohibition Review") - Holder supports setting minimum sentences of 18 months for first-time convicted drug dealers, 36 months for the second time and 72 months for every conviction thereafter, and ruling marijuana possession a felony.

In these economic times, the issue of stimulating violent black markets aside, this is not a wise use of taxpayer funds - rather, it opens a vast sinkhole for those funds for no apparent benefit. Prohibition not only didn't work, it gave us Al Capone and a vastly more intrusive federal government - the War on Drugs has long failed, significantly impeded civil rights, and given us the Cartels. I'd call it a loss, just written bigger and bloodier.

Write your Senators (worthless as the WA pair are, it's better than giving up in futility), send thank you letters and/or funds (if you have them, in these times) to the two dissenting Senators on the Senate Nominating Committee, and remain ready for a really rough ride over the next four years.

1 comment:

  1. Liberals suffer from insanity.

    Last time it didn't work, so lets do it again only HARDER!

    The war on drugs will never be won by government, the war on drugs can only be won by culture. And American culture ranges the the whole spectrum, from the very best to bacteria.


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