Thursday, November 27, 2008


Michelle Malkin shares a wonderful tale of self-reliance and growth in her Thanksgiving Blog Entry, and I would commend it to one and all as a tale of hope in adverse circumstances.

This has, in the GC Household, been a year of losses and growth, with much for which to be thankful.

A decades long pain in the neck is largely removed from my life, and that I had the courage to finally say "enough" and recognize that at some point, discovering that someone (regardless of their goodness or badness as persons) is bad *for me*, is something of a gift for which I am grateful though it is not a cost-free situation.

That two weeks after my fathers funeral in January I lost my job, and have been job-hunting since as I burn through my resources is more challenging to be thankful for, but on the flip side I was unhappy in that job and had I not been let go, would likely have stubbornly clung to an unhappy position rather than risk the job market. If naught else, being let go opens the door for me to find a happier place to labor in search of my daily dollar.

Further, I am thankful that the job situation (however dismaying I find it) left me available to serve as nurse and chauffeur after my mom's back surgery and her impending knee surgery.

That despite the turmoil, I have a roof over my head (and probably too much) food to keep me nourished is something for which I am thankful.

I am grateful for the opportunity to mentor a newcomer in the firearms activism community, and give back to that community some of the guidance that was graciously provided to me when I showed up as a cranky (Well, what do you expect, I'm a cynic!) over-energetic newbie out to solve the problem of anti-gun moonbats in fifteen minutes or less. Newbies to activism need that "sitting upon till they calm down", and I'm thankful for the opportunity to give back.

Much as I regret the necessity, I am thankful for the opportunity to participate in the process to stop or repeal the Nickels gun ban - both as a pro2A sort, and as a believer in "we elect mayors, not kings".

I am thankful for this forum that allows me to vent, perhaps hone my writing skills, and to occasionally exercise my muse.

I am thankful that thus far that Obama has only nominated one absolutely dreadful potential cabinet member, Attorney General Nominee Eric Holder, thus far. It could be far worse.

I am grateful for our troops abroad, and the difficult and dangerous work they do.

There is the much to be thankful for - may you have a wonderful Thanksgiving, and dine on turkey and stuffing with gravy to satiation.

On balance, there is much for which to be thankful ...

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