The same folks who shrilly decry any criticism, no matter how subtle or factual, of Barrack Hussein Obama* as hateful, racist, cruel, hurtful, and generally "not-nice" now show their true colors with a series of Anti-Palin smears of unusual vileness.
Obam-supporting bloggers are now attacking on several fronts, claiming Palin's daughter was the actual mother of Palin's Downs-afflicted rather than Palin (according to this smear, Palin is covering for her daughters pregnancy - this is made less believable given that the daughter in question is actually five months pregnant at this point, but it is a vile attack nonetheless), that Palin's life decisions led directly to the her youngests Downs Syndrome, and the list goes on...
Of course, Barack Hussein Obama* denies that his campaign could POSSIBLY have had anything to do with this, being all pure and of noble heart.
Of course, it wouldn't be the first time that proxies with plausible deniability have done the dirty work.
Charming, simply charming. May those who sow the wind, reap the whirlwind.
Heh. Be entertaining to see how the Barack Hussein Obama* and Biden families stand up up to this kind of scrutiny. Since the door has been opened attacking Palin and her daughter, let the games begin.
*Barack Hussein Obama's full name is used here for a variety of reasons. It seems to get the collective panties of the DNC and their fellow travelers all balled up in a capsicum-marinated knot (a worthwhile goal in and of itself) ; so many have made so much of how it's "not nice and not Politically Correct to use the middle name of Barack Hussein Obama (and PC just annoys the crap out of me, bringing out my mischievous side); and if someone is dumb enough to vote against Barack Hussein Obama because they were exposed to his dread middle name - I'm willing to take it in an electoral situation this foul. As for the other? They desperately need their chain yanked - frequently.
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