Barack Hussein Obama* has a problem. Not surprisingly, I greet this with a certain schadenfreude.
Biden, a compulsive plagiarist and liar first publicly documented in the '88 Presidential Race, certainly brings no ethical weight to any ticket. From Biden's comments on how Obama was the first "articulate/bright/clean/nice-looking" African American to run for national office, Biden strives and succeeds in achieving the title Gaffe-Meister with unusual verve and inspiration.
In that self-same CNN article, Biden is quoted as saying:
"You cannot go into a 7-11 or a Dunkin' Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent. Oh, I'm not joking.""Better than everybody else. You don't know my state. My state was a slave state. My state is a border state. My state is the eighth largest black population in the country. My state is anything from a northeast liberal state."
From another MSM article, Biden is quoted as saying of Barack Hussein Obama* "I think he can be ready but right now, I don’t believe he is. The presidency is not something that lends itself to on-the-job training."
And then there are the many and serious criticisms of Barack Hussein Obama by Biden documented as recently as August 23rd in the New York Observer.
By his own hand, Barack Hussein Obama* has hung a dead stinking albatross about his neck and anointed it with skunk oil to be extra sure. And this is before we examine the late-breaking tale of Obama and Biden holding hands as they prance together towards the earmark trough, benefiting Biden's son.
Many level charges of inexperience at Barack Hussein Obama* - with good reason. With only his experiences of Chicago Machine Politics and a mere four years of service in the United States Senate (and absolutely no executive experience) behind him, Barack Hussein Obama* at best faces a serious struggle to persuade anyone of intelligence that he has the gravitas to pull off four or eight years as President as anything less than a disaster of biblical proportions.
Barack Hussein Obama* has attempted to counter this penetrating charge of inexperience with a steady drumbeat of "Hope’n’ChangeTM " - and bringing on Biden, a 35year beltway veteran with all the morals and ethics of a mink in heat, doesn't exactly synch up with the "Hope’n’ChangeTM " message.
Let Biden be Biden - hatefulness, pit bull mentality, corruption, plagiarism, and all.
*Barack Hussein Obama's full name is used here for a variety of reasons. It seems to get the collective panties of the DNC and their fellow travelers all balled up in a capsicum-marinated knot (a worthwhile goal in and of itself) ; so many have made so much of how it's "not nice and not Politically Correct to use the middle name of Barack Hussein Obama (and PC just annoys the crap out of me, bringing out my mischievous side); and if someone is dumb enough to vote against Barack Hussein Obama because they were exposed to his dread middle name - I'm willing to take it in an electoral situation this foul.
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