Monday, February 19, 2007

Zumbo Implosion

I'm not a hunter. I've aspired to it, even bought a rifle or two with the project in mind, but the stars have not shone upon this aspiration and seem unlikely to do so at this late date. Centerfire pistol has always been more my thing.

That said, it appears that long-time Outdoor Life writer Jim Zumbo blogged a mighty blog and in one fell swoop may have taken down his career and the magazine for which he works, despite an apology. Thousands of subscribers appear to be rising up and canceling subscriptions, and in breaking news, Remington (a major advertiser for any outdoor magazine) is terminating all relationships with Zumbo and Outdoor Life. One would hope other principled firearms and accessories manufacturers would take similar steps.

What was Zumbo's sin? Many would parse it as "treason to the cause", but it can be explained more simply - ignorance and bigotry.

Simply because we don't own/like big black scary guns doesn't mean we should criticize those who do - they may not like our pretty wood-stocked lever actions and revolvers (and frankly, I lean semi-auto in handgun, aside from aesthetics), but neither should the BBSG owner get all bent about my more aesthetically pleasing devices - they both fling projectiles of useful mass with acceptable accuracy down range, after all.

I don't like the sound of a truck spring flexing next to my head when I fire a rifle - that kind of rules out the AR line for me; similarly, I don't enjoy coming home covered in grease and half-burned powder...ruling out a AK series for my collection. But both are reliable designs, as are many others who may not fit my personal predilection for my idea of pretty vs. utilitarian compromise.

Zumbo didn't get this - what works for me, may not work for you, and vice versa. And it may not work for some pretty darned silly/sentimental reasons. rights are only as safe as yours, so..throwing you under the bus does not serve me well.

Jim? It may have been a mistake...but you need to retire and start writing very discreetly under a pen name as now the only variable is how long the fan will keep running with the manure truck backed up to it, not whether you're going to be standing in front of it. It's sad your lifes work is done, but some mistakes are sufficiently irrecoverable that all that is left is to go forward doing something different...

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