Tuesday, January 30, 2007


The Treo is a wonderful tool. I have a lot of nice things to say about it.

User-friendly, it ain't.


The desktop software is...um...fragile, the user interface less than intuitive, and the firmware update process is lengthy and painful...yet somehow less painful than a Blackberry.

On the other hand, with the PalmOS especially, there is a simply huge array of software out there to meet the entertainment or professional needs of most anyone, and a strong selection of e-books (both references and fiction) as well.

With my little beastie I email, phone, text message, send photo's back and forth, take notes, log into servers on the command line, and generally stay in touch. Yet after 5 hrs spent de-bugging and updating...I'm a bit cranky when I realize I've another one just like it ahead of me tomorrow....

Still and all, I do like the functionality when it works...though I'll admit looking lustily at the Motorola Q Phones yesterday morning for their more slender form factor...

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