Saturday, December 23, 2006


Feh. I've been burbling on about matters politic for years now, and having stumbled across LawDog's blog after having been exposed to his tales of rural Texas law enforcement, find his musings on society and life inspire me to chime in...seems he's having that effect on more than a few folks.

I'm over on the upper part of the left coast, and don't know if it's best for me to get more specific just presently. Something about an in-progress job-hunt.

My claim to fame is mainly a multi-varied life led mainly on the left coast, a bit of political activism here and there, working dispatch, college security, tech support, and in the cellular industry here and there over time. Can't say I've been there and done that as much as some, but can say that I've been around the block once or twice more than others. Politically, I'm more libertarian than anything, but generally peeved with equal vigor at both major parties.


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